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Dannielle Merrifield Only On Show For THIS Selfish Reasons

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Is Dannielle Merrifield only on Seeking Sister Wife for her own selfish reasons? She has been dealing with her husband, Garrick Merrifield, and his abusive ways for three seasons now. So, why does she put up with it and allow their two sons to witness this? Keep reading for more details on what fans are saying about the TLC star.

Dannielle Merrifield Only On Show For Selfish Reasons

It was clear from the beginning that Dannielle Merrifield did not want to be in a plural relationship. Yes, she liked and cared for her first potential sister wife, Roberta but her jealousy came out strong. She realized she was not happy with her husband Garrick Merrifield courting another woman. Eventually, he and Roberta were making plans without her. That was another dagger in the heart but she went along with it until Roberta ditched the couple and left Dannielle broken. Now, they are engaged to Nathalia but she seems more interested in Garrick.

Garrick Merrifield, Dannielle Merrifield-YouTube
Garrick Merrifield, Dannielle Merrifield-YouTube

He even went to Brazil alone for a month to be with Nathalia leaving Dannielle to wonder if this was the end. With all of the drama and heartbreak, fans are wondering why she sticks around. Then, a Reddit thread was started and the OP pointed out that Dannielle is there solely for herself. They went through her Instagram and noticed a trend:

  • The comment section of every photo is WILD. It is literally 99% hate towards Ick (which I absolutely love) BUT it also made me realise that she is totally in it for the fame and probably lovessssssssss the attention…So moral of the story, Dannielle is in on it, loves playing the victim on camera and doesn’t give two sh**s about her family, sons or life because she loves the attention 🙃

Did followers agree with this assessment?

  • If Dannielle is being brain washed by Garrick then why is her family so casual about this entire situation … I personally think all these people are out to make a buck off of TLC.
  • She goes live every Monday after the show to defend their choices (mostly she defends Ick🙄) and it’s infuriating.

Religious Trauma?

It has been noted that Dannielle Merrifield’s family is dependent on Garrick Merrifield since they all work for his construction company. Therefore, they will turn a blind eye to whatever is going on. Yes, Dannielle does go live to answer questions and Garrick does have migraines so he is in their room sleeping or watching television. She claims that her family knows what really goes on off-camera. However, there were some Redditors who believed that Dannielle was not doing this for attention but was actually a victim:

  • I think people are seriously underestimating the power of religious trauma and how it affects your mental state.
  • She has Stockholm syndrome and she’s literally stuck with three kids and she’s absolutely traumatized.
  • Nah it’s coercive control through high control religion.

In the end, the fans really felt bad for their two sons who have to be subject to what their parents are doing. They are homeschooled so they are around for their parents’ choices, good and bad. Hopefully, Dannielle will stop thinking about herself and focus on those innocent souls.

Do you think Dannielle is doing the show for selfish reasons or is she really trapped mentally and emotionally? More so, should she leave her children out of all of this? Let us know your thoughts and watch Seeking Sister Wife Mondays on TLC.

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